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Connect Your USB Devices Remotely Over Any Distance

Use FlexiHub to share your local USB devices with your team through the network, and freely access remote peripherals wherever they are, even if that’s the back of beyond.
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FlexiHub Personal — Get Devices from Anywhere
Interested in using FlexiHub for your business? Fill out the form to the right.
Connect Securely

Connect Securely

No Drivers Required

No Drivers Required

Data Transfer speed

Data Transfer speed — up to 50 Mb/sec

support USB devices

Unlimited support USB devices

Optional traffic compression
Optional traffic compression
With FlexiHub, only you get to decide on whether you want to speed-up data communication by making use of traffic compression (can be extra handy while dealing with bandwidth-sensitive isochronous units) or stick with the best packet size mode.
Share Tokens
Share Tokens, not credentials
FlexiHub login tokens are there for you to not have to reveal your username and password, but still get to share your account with other people, so that they too can benefit from remotely accessing USB over Ethernet.
No hassle with drivers
As long as the PC you’ve shared a USB device from has all the necessary drivers, you won’t need to install any of those on remote machines. At the very moment you connect to a USB peripheral with the aid of FlexiHub, the device type is automatically detected.
Fail-safe connection
Fail-safe connection
Just enable the "Keep connection active" option and no failed Internet connection will ever disrupt your workflow or damage your files. Even if the communication is erratic, your remote PC will maintain access to the shared USB device until the connection is reestablished.
Access control
Access control
If you don’t want a particular USB peripheral to be accessible through the network, FlexiHub has a feature that allows you to lock said device so it won’t even show up on the list of the remote devices available for connection.
Redirection Server
Exclusive feature: Redirection Server
With FlexiHub’s Redirection Server, there’s no need for an external IP address to set up a USB over Ethernet connection. This means that you’ll need no fiddly configuration process to access USB peripherals linked to other subnet machines.
Start your demo today
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FlexiHub subscription plans

Take up one of the options that suit your particular requirements.
  • Personal
    Perfect for remote access to your own devices
    1 user
    From $14/month
    • Use the service on up to 5 computers
    • Connect up to 3 remote devices simultaneously
  • Business
    For remote tech support that boosts your revenue
    2+ users
    Pay as you go
    • Any number of computers allowed
    • Create one-time login tokens for convenient authentication
  • Teams
    For collaboration within and outside of your team
    5+ users
    $12/month per 1 Member Account
    • Pay for the whole team in one go
    • Add and remove users at any time
  • Enterprise
    For large businesses operating in regulated industries
    Any number
    Custom price
    • Tailor-made UI& White labeling
    • Compliance with your industry’s regulatory requirements

Compare the plans

What’s included
Number of unique nodes for one account
Number of simultaneous connections
Number of sessions
Adding member accounts
Sending connection invites
Support for one-time login tokens
Hardware emulation of remote devices
Optional perks
Private Tunnel Server
Private Tunnel Server
Get yourself a dedicated proxy to juice up the data speed of the remote connections.
Sell on FlexiHub with your own logo and product name.
Single-purpose tokens
Issue task-specific tokens separately for device sharing and for remote access to shared peripherals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Put simply, you won’t get charged for the first 30 days of your Personal subscription plan. Take the time and use the app’s powerful toolset to the maximum extent possible for each individual user gets one free demo version.

The number of nodes that can share an account during that period will be limited, plus, you can’t use any nodes logged into another active FlexiHub account.

A free demo period is unavailable in some countries.
All you have to do is file a request with the Support Team at
Log into your FlexiHub account and click on "Manage subscription" or pick "Subscription" on a drop-down menu. Then decide on the plan you want and follow the prompts to subscribe.
Basically, that’s how many devices can be shared with FlexiHub at a given instant. As an example, if you have a 2-connection subscription, you can share 2 peripherals at a time no matter how many machines you've installed the app on.
Client feedback
based on 386 reviews
What our clients have to say about FlexiHub
FlexiHub reduces shipping times
We have tested FlexiHub to see if it can speed up medical device development with our external partners. Instead of shipping devices from our partners to us and back, FlexiHub enhances the Device Management remotely without the lack of shipping times.

It was a full success and our Partner will get a license soon.
The most flexibility with no additional hardware purchase
We are a small engineering/survey firm that shares a copy of an earthwork program. The program uses a USB dongle to insure licensing. We tried other USB sharing products but Flexihub has given us the most flexibility with no additional hardware purchase.
Share dongles to VM
We use a product called RTX 64 by IntervalZero. When we compile our code we need to install a copy protection dongle (USB) to run the compiler. All of our production builds are done on virtual machines running on hardware we do not have access to. So we plug the dongles into a local machine and share them with the VM with FlexHub.

FlexiHub — Get Devices from Anywhere

Let's get started! It only takes a few minutes to register your account.
Starts with 30-day Demo · Cancel anytime