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Serial To Ethernet Connector SDK

Serial to Ethernet Connector SDK/OEM provides the functionality to overcome the limitations of physical serial port connectors. It allows establishing communications with COM port devices via LAN or the Internet.

COM Redirection SDK

Success Stories

Customers worldwide have already implemented Serial To Ethernet Connector technology into their own software products. Here are some of their stories.
"We needed a solution to provide our 16-port Serial to an Ethernet device with remote access functionality. Electronic's Team technology allowed making remote serial ports to appear as local virtual COM ports on any client computer. Our customers can access these virtual serial ports easily."
"Your solution helped us while migrating from an old Traceability System to a new MES. Devices accessed via serial connections needed to be Ethernet-compatible. We used a PoE Serial to Ethernet Converter but might lack some cables. Now devices already being PC-connected and operational."
"Our clients got the ability to work with remote serial ports on the company’s console servers by using Opengear's hardware appliances and a Windows serial port redirector client built with Serial to Ethernet Connector."

Supported Programming Languages

Serial to Ethernet Connector SDK is compatible with the following IDEs:

Visual Basic 6
Visual Basic.Net
Visual Studio C#
C++ Builder
Microsoft VC++

We Have Examples for:

Microsoft Visual C++
Visual Basic

System requirements

Windows (x32 and x64):

Windows 2008 R2 SP1/7 SP1/8/10/11; Windows Server 2012/2016/2019/2022; Windows 10/11 on ARM.


The GUI of Serial to Ethernet Connector SDK is not supported by platforms older than Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.

What you are getting

The Serial to Ethernet Connector OEM SDK package includes:
  • The documentation on how to work with the service using DLL, and the SDK license key with the possibility of silent registration;
  • Sample applications and their source code for tutorials and examples;
  • Virtual Serial Port Drivers by Electronic Team for supported Windows platforms (coming as a part of the redistributable package).

Usage scenarios

Serial to Ethernet Connector SDK/OEM is used in different industries, including telecommunications, healthcare, trading, manufacturing, and more. The following are just some of the most common usage scenarios:
Maintaining specialized COM port equipment over LAN or the internet
Developing hardware solutions with remote access capabilities
Replacing expensive legacy equipment with cost-efficient software applications
Redirecting serial port devices to virtual machines and blade servers
Centralized management and control of the company’s remote equipment
Integration of the technology into hardware COM port converters, adapters, and device servers
Connecting serial port devices to computers lacking real COM ports

OEM Software Development Kit Documentation

Here’s a detailed User Guide on how to integrate Serial to Ethernet Connector OEM SDK into your app.

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